Saturday, February 19, 2011

After a Very Long Break, here is a Review

Hey ya'll
Man I've been gone from the blogging world for quite sometime. I've just been really busy. But hopefully I can update this and post my own reviews of movies. But for now, here is a review of a movie that I feel is VERY under appreciated: "Scott Pilgrim vs The World."
Before I start, let me make one thing perfectly clear: I think Michael Cera is a terrible actor. I think he plays the same character over and over. So when I went to see this, I was expecting him to play Michael Cera. Boy I'm glad I was wrong.
First reason why this movie kicks so much butt is actually Cera himself. Despite how much he plays geeky awkward teen in all his other movies, Cera is actually playing Scott Pilgrim. He is socially awkward, but he is determined to get what he wants even if it means breaking skulls. He is a narcissists, cheater and just a terrible person overall. But I felt strangely attached to him and wanted to see him win.
Another reason I liked this movie is for the supporting cast. They are all different and each have their quirks that makes them shine. Ramona is the snarky girl, Knives is super obsessive, there is a gay roommate of Scott's that is hilarious, and a whole collective group of cleverly written characters.
But the best reason to see this movie is for the battles with the 7 Evil Exes. These are the highlights of the film and its the movies greatest strength. Each is designed to be original from the previous one and each has their own little gimmick to make it interesting. My personal favorite fight is the battle with the 5th and 6th exes that involves a battle of the bands amp vs. amp situation. Which brings me to another reason to love this movie: the soundtrack/score.
This ranks up there with my favorite film soundtracks of 2010. All the licensed music is great ranging from indy to The Rolling Stones. But the score is where the movie gets it right including an 8-bit rendition of the Universal theme, Dave Patel's Bollywood inspired song, the Bass Battle, and the Sex Bob-Omb vs Katianaygi Twins amp vs amp. All of it is good.
So why is it that a movie with good characters, good story, and good soundtrack bombed at the box office? Because the film was so focused on pleasing its demographic that it almost alienated the rest of the consumers. This wouldn't be a problem had the market they wanted to attract be one that had a little more income to go to the movies. But I know it will have strong DVD and Blu-Ray profits to make up for what it lost at the box office.
So that is my review of Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I give it an "A"
Next week, I'm going to do something that most people in my generation would never dare do. I'm going to explain why The Lion King isn't that great of a movie. It's good, but not amazing.

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