Monday, March 8, 2010

A Hello and a Movie Review

Hey everyone, I decided that I would start blogging. But I would do it about one of my favorite things in life, movies. I don't want this to be a political platform or a religious platform (talk to me in person about that). I just want to offer my thoughts on something that everyone like, movies.
So here is my very first movie review: The Princess and The Frog.
I saw this yesterday and was skeptical about it because I heard so many things good about it, but I didn't want to be disappointed. I went in a watched it and was impressed by how good it was.
Here are some things I liked about it:
The plot was simple but great, much like every other good Disney movie. The plot was about two people who find out what they needed most in life and how what you want isn't always what you need. I thought that it was a great and minimal plot.
What is great about having a simple plot is that it allows for great character development. And this movie had great characters, some that grew over the course of the movie. I have two favorites, Charlotte LeBouff and Dr. Facilier. Charlotte was a loud and over-the-top-Southern Belle who wanted everything. I was always laughing at the scenes with her. Dr. Facilier is what I would call a classic Disney Villain. He is supposed to be a combination of Cruella DeVille and Captain Hook. I can see a mixture of other villains like Jafar in him because all he really wants is power. Dr. Facilier also carries himself great as he is a smooth talker and a schemer. His accompanying shadow was also done well and had its own personality. He is up there as one of my favorite Disney Villains, but more in the top 10 than top 5.
This is how I grew up watching movies, hand drawn animation. Don't get me wrong, I loved other movies that have CGI in them (like Up). But it is a breath of fresh air to see a big company like Disney doing this and making the style of this movie not only feel like a Disney movie, but it looked like it. The settings were great and well drawn. It kept me captivated in the movie to see all of the great scenes and how well the characters look. Disney has said that they want to do more movies in the hand drawn animation style. To them I say, "No dip!"
Aside from having a great score, the movie has some good toe-tapping songs. Personal favorites of mine are "When We're Human" and "Friends on the Otherside." Both show a great relation to the character(s) who sing them and are great hearing them alone on the soundtrack. But to get the full experience of these songs, watching them with accompanying animations. Definitely some of the best music I have heard from movies in a while.
So here is what I didn't like:
Some parts were hilarious. But other times it was stupid humor. I know that this movie is for kids and the humor is sophomoric. But still, I watched movies like this to get the intellectual child humor. I expect jokes about a big butt from a Dreamworks film, not Disney.
The movie moved too fast for me. It was like I watched it and in a blink of an eye it was done. I also wish it were longer.

Well that is about all I have to say about "The Princess and The Frog." Overall I give this movie an A- and would have given it the Oscar for Best Animated Picture of the Year, that is if it wasn't released the same year as the movie I'll review next week, Up.

See you then!

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