Sunday, March 28, 2010

Part 1 of A 3 Part R-Rated Comedy Blog

Hey guys, so for this week I'm going to review the 3 most recent movies I have seen in the order that I did see them. They all just so happen to be R-Rated comedies. So here is the first review:
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard
What I liked:
The Will Ferrell cameo
This is hands down the funniest part of the whole movie. Will Ferrell is sky-diving and rather than having a parachute, he grabs a bag full of sex toys by accident. What ensues are some really funny lines like, "I really don't want to die next to this dildo!" The whole movie would be horrible if not for this scene.
What I didn't like
Everything else
This is juts a movie that tries its hardest to be really funny but I can't find a joke that really works. I chuckled a few times, but nothing hilarious except for the scene mentioned above. The plot is also bland and uninventive. The characters are stock and bland. But what bothered me the most is this one woman who is trying to seduce a ten year old. Granted, the ten year old is played by Rob Riggle. But still, the thought of a full grown woman trying to have sex with a ten year old is gross and disturbing. But the biggest waste is Jeremy Piven. He is hilarious as Ari Gold from "Entourage." But here he really isn't given anything outstanding to do. IT is a shame to considering this is his first starring role.
Bottom line
This movie was a big disappointment. A lot of the funny parts were shown in the trailer and there isn't anything special about it to make it stand out with the slew of R-Rated comedies released now adays. I would rate this movie a solid D.
Check in Tuesday for the review of Hot Tub Time Machine.

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