Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Top 10 Movie Villains

So I just finished watching "Law Abiding Citizen" and it got me thinking about who my favorite movie villains are. So since I want to save another movie review for later, I decided to post this today. And if you don't agree with my list, well then that is what makes it a great list. So here are my personal picks for the Top 10 Movie Villains:

10. Syndrome (The Incredibles)
This is Pixar's best villain in my opinion (though Sid from "Toy Story" is a close second). What makes this villain great is that he becomes evil because of the main hero. He becomes crazy and his main goal is to make it so that no one else can become special because of their powers by him selling machines that give people powers. He is also a very fun villain, mainly helped by him being voiced by Jason Lee. Every time he is on screen, he steals the scene.

9. Shooter McGavin (Happy Gilmore)
This guy doesn't have any special powers, or evil motivations. This guy is the definition of a grade-A douche bag. Every time he is in a scene you never think this guy could be nice, you are always thinking, "What a d-bag." It also helps that he is an instant jerk to Happy by pranking him with the first day of meeting him. To add fuel to the fire, he buys Happy's grandma's house just to tick him off. I could go on, but this is a villain I love to hate.

8. Darth Maul (Star Wars Episode I)
Even though he doesn't speak at all, you have no idea what his motivations are, or even how he got to the position he is in, he gets this spot for one reason. He could kick your butt from here to next year and looks like he would make B.A. Barracuda hide in fear. Just looking at Darth Maul gives me nightmares. Imagine him coming after you flipping around and swinging a duel-sided lightsaber. That is all I really need to say about him.

7. Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter Series)
Aside from killing Harry's parents in the backstory, he is the first person to kill someone in the Harry Potter movies onscreen. Other deaths are just mentioned or hinted at. Not with Voldemort. He kills Cedric Diggory with five minutes of him coming back. His followers are even called Death Eaters and he looks like creepy too. If that doesn't make you poop your pants, I don't know what will.

6. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
This is the first villain on this list who is characterized by my favorite villain trait, a smooth talking guy who schemes. Hans isn't a big man, he can barely fight, but he knows how to smooth talk his way to get what he wants. Employing big guys, getting lots of guns, and killing people who can't help him get what he wants. He also has the great idea of stealing bare-bonds (bonds that can be cashed by anyone who is in possession of them). He also has one of my favorite deaths by any villain, but just see the movie to see what happens.

5. The Joker (Batman and The Dark Knight)
I had a hard time deciding between Jack Nicolson's comedic sadist clown or Heath Ledger's sinister persona that doesn't help with my clown fears. So I just decided that since they both share the name "The Joker," I'd give it to both of them. Both are crazed, both kill people for fun, and both have very memorable and quotable lines. I laugh every time I hear Jack saying he wants his face on the one dollar bill and get chills when I see the magic trick.

4. Biff, Griff, and "Mad Dog" Bufford Tannen (Back to the Future Series)
Going back to The Joker, all of these character's are basically the same (even being played by the same actor). And like Shooter McGavin he is a jerk. But where as Shooter tries his best to act calm, Biff doesn't hide anything. He is a loud obnoxious jerk who will do just about anything to get what he wants. It doesn't matter what timeline in what era, he will always be a douche bag who I wish could bully me.

3. Shere Kahn (The Jungle Book)
This refers to the Disney version because this is my favorite version. He is similar to Hans Gruber. But unlike Hans, he doesn't have any henchmen. He just has himself and doesn't mind getting dirty. But the great thing is that he never really has to because everyone in the jungle knows that if you mess with Shere Kahn, you're screwed.

2. Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
I will say this once, Anthony Hopkins is creepily believable as a cannibal. He portrayed him as a sophisticated sociopath. And you know what, I like it like this. This could have been made an over the top crazy person, but he is so quiet and always thinking. He is so good at analyzing people and pin-pointing everything they have done just by talking to them. He also has a creepy look on him all the time. What I also like about this villain is what happens to him at the end. I don't want to spoil it, just go see this movie.

1. Hans Landa (Inglorious Basterds)
This is a movie realistic version of Hannibal. So he possesses all of the same qualities except for one big thing: he is a Nazi. This guy's sole job is to find and kills Jews. He even convinces a guy to pretty much hand over a family of Jews by talking to him for 15 minutes. Not only that but he pinpoints the exact locations of them by just talking and thinking like a Jew. He also has some great lines ("That's a BINGO! That's how you say it, right? 'That's a bingo!'" ) Awesome lines, awesome mannerisms, and one of the best endings to any character ever! This character makes an already great movie awesome!

So those are my favorite movie villains. I want to know, what are your favorite movie villains? I'd love to know.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. 1) Stansfield, In 'Leon the Professional' played by Gary Oldman
    2) The Joker, I prefer Heath Ledger's Version

    The rest are in no particular order:
    3) Hades from Disney's Hercules
    4) Hannibal Lector, Anthony Hopkins
    5) Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds
    6) Hans Grueber, Die Hard
    7) Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs
    8) It, Tim Curry
    9) Jack Torrence, Jack Nicholson in the Shinning
    10)Francis Dolarhyde, played by Ralph Fiennes in Red Dragon
    11) Max Cady, Robert Deniro in Cape Fear
